1 poem
by Bethany Clarke
Bethany Clarke is a writer and public school teacher living in Portland, Maine.
Bathing Suits
You told me that your other friend
looked better with her clothes on,
her boobs were too big to look good
in a bathing suit. It was 7th grade
and we’d cleaned up
the beach which basically meant
we raked a bunch of pine needles
into piles for someone else to pick up
later. Rihanna on the radio boombox
and guys claiming they were too hot
so they absolutely HAD to take off their
shirts and girls keeping themselves hidden
until the teachers decided everyone had done enough
work for the day and could now swim
in the lake. May lake, still cold and tipped with white
caps. Me and you
standing at the edge. You
asked me whose butt looked most like
yours and I did my best to judge the sizes
but it was difficult to get any perspective
without lining you right up next to every other
girl in our class, so I chose someone’s butt
who I thought you’d like—not too big or too small,
just a butt, the butt of a popular girl, probably
slightly better than average and full. And then
you said “thanks” and I didn’t ask you anything
about my butt. I was scared to know
what or who I looked like. We waded into
the water, dove under the lapping waves
and held our breaths until we had to
come up for air.