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Brad Casey is the author of The Idiot on Fire, released through Metatron in Montreal. His writing has been featured in The Puritan, Bad Nudes, glitterMOB, VICE, and Noisey among others. He is a Canadian currently living in Berlin.

1 poem

by Brad Casey

wow, the moon pt.32


six drinks in

the hollow night

you kiss me

juniper angelica

cardamom and rose


there are

children in my lips

cinnamon and pear

and I’m there

in a dream


in our house

victorian lily struck

summer afternoon with

the way that the sun tastes


sunlight through white

lace curtain window

on my face




to you

the laughter

of you

and children

hands on my body



groping in



in this


fantasy of

a kiss

in the dark

of where

we actually are

it’s winter  

and you walk


in the cold


for home

with your partner

a good man


I like him

how is he?

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