Eleanor Rose King Merton is an editor and poet living in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. Her work appears in Mimicry, Starling, Sport and Turbine | Kapohau.
1 poem
by Eleanor Rose King Merton
diary couplets (one)
write like an onlooker
entering the heart of a warm room
emerging after a nap like the moths in the wardrobe
dropping cocoons all over the floor
from below i am two points
of heat on the ground and hips
under blankets curled up – in the sun
unshowered or flossing in public
talking too loud on the bus with a friend
get new batteries
for vibrator take responsibility
for own happiness
stop trying to out-do
the people you went to high school with
i really believe i will
cry tomorrow
from my balcony – just falling down
for a long time
the headlines say i’m young!
i can make my own morals!
we have a meeting about global warming
at work, everyone gets depressed
get a tiny nook
and protect it for myself
take me off edge and sit me down with a blanket
what should we have for dinner next year?
other people’s problems are our problems
i believe that and it’s a problem
sitting in assembly is maybe not the best place
to find out how much we’re all falling apart
like laying a jellyfish over your face
fractured and numbing because of the toxins
spend the rest of the flight
slowly sobering up
we’re all grateful, didn’t
expect it to fall out of the sky
i think it’s really hot
when you pick me up – in the heterosexual tradition
i know that poetry is just
about how deliberate you are
hope you like
me touching your chest all the time