Julie Chen is from San Jose, CA, and lives in Brooklyn. Her writing is published in Catapult, Hobart, X-R-A-Y, The Margins, and elsewhere. She also makes music as Slime Queen. Her website is juliechen.neocities.org.
1 poem
by Julie Chen
Editor's note: We recommend reading this piece on desktop due to its unique formatting.
the oranges on the counter rot into seafoam
you drop advice
i resent like bird shit!
but wait—
i’ll pale, soften
become the dust we always were
you forgot to change the water
so the petals curl,
a sleeping fist,
while the robot rrrrings the alarm
i have not napped but with enough money
i can pay someone to touch my head
& plug my hair into their fingertips
we used to do drugs & dreams (i didn’t believe in)
& memes & murmur and heehee
we gargled labels and limits
spat out, spat at
please don’t go to space before i grow gills
before i surf squids
before i marry a mermaid in the mariana trench
& suck the scum from my friend’s billionaire lover’s
webbed toes
(that’s how he swam his way into a summer home
& this poem)
you fire your engines
as i choke salt
lists, lists, lists
of slights
& squish
let’s toss em all
‘;;.‘.;:,; to crackle in the TV static .;’.;’.;;’,’
i pixelate my animal cells
i tetris my leftovers
but there’s no such thing as a fresh start
or a perfect friendship
or a rat in my hat
was i the rat in your hat?
no rats in our hats
just chicken breast brains,
boxed stuffing
(so long since i’ve been stuffed…)
it’s okay that
you’re kinda bad in the kitchen
it’s okay for me to stew, too
shocking splatter! gunmetal kettle!
whatever happens in 5 / 10 / 15 years
we’ll have forgotten long division
you’ll have a beautiful baby
but i’d never,
for it to just gallop into orbit
with its galactical,
umbilical lasso:
“yeehaw! i pity my own mother!”
by the time my legs wobble into seaweed
i’ll have drowned my envy
i’ll gaze at the moon
and feel gravy,
gravity, gravely