Laura Theobald is the author of the poetry books What My Hair Says About You and Kokomo (forthcoming). She designs books for OOMPH!, BOAAT, and other small publishers. Her work has been anthologized in Women of Resistance and With You: Withdrawn Poetry of the #MeToo Movement.
3 poems
by Laura Theobald
Medulla Poem
I was just sitting here when someone stole my umbrella
“At least they’re keeping dry” I thought
I am not the subject of 300 sonnets
Because I have no grace
And because I am like the echo of a burgeoning chainsaw
And some kind of indistinguishable yellow crop
And also besides that
Love is just an occasion for poetry
And a reason for me to love you
When the air goes sour and sharp between us
I like for you to tell me how to feel
It is a childlike brutality
It is like holding a candle to the sun
You can study it in 3 million paintings of your long legs
And in my medulla oblongata
The place where you were born inside me
Before I was even born
Punk Poem
I don’t know
Is punk still a thing?
I should leave the boys alone I think
Let them move to New York
It means something different now
It means they will build software
I tuck my shirt half in and wonder if it is right
Well it’s too late now
I thought that boy was a trashcan
I said and laughed
And looked around and noticed I was alone
There is nirvana but there is no one to talk to
I can’t remember my dreams
But I remember you
And that is something
Fantasy Poem
You are like your own evil twin
It is like entering a world of dangerous flowers
It is like watching a wolf fight a fox
It is like a lazier double fantasy
I am made quite speechless
By the flowers and by Spring
And by how one day the earth will just stop
It is an inordinate amount of feeling
It is actually undignified
It is like crashing your own funeral
It is like a suicide note that goes on too long
It should have been more like laying down
In a benevolent flower