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Nikki Williams

Nikki Williams is a music and culture journalist. Her work appears in The Citron Review, Ellipsiszine, Sublunary Review, LEON Literary Review, Sky Island Journal, Literary Yard, PreeLit, Nymphs, and Door Is A Jar.  She munches trail mix and takes stunning photos when not busy writing. She tweets: @ohsashalee. See more:

Over Easy

He appeared when the weather began to bite, the sun’s gold trapped in the tops of trees.  

Dipped and dove about like killdeer. Rinse, repeat. Retreat until ravenous.

His bulbous eyes darted around the diner.

He ordered eggs, then exited to the rear parking lot. 


Long looks at the white Mazda’s fender. 

Maggie didn’t care to know what caused the spider web crack. 

Her concerns were few.

Fate had a way of finding men like him here.

She set down his plate, her smile a tight red line, thumbing a scar as she walked away. Listening to the screams.

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