2 poems
by Quinn Flom
quinn flom is a fire sign from toronto. their work has been published by metatron and the continuist. find them on instagram @softdog1.
slam dunk
i roll a basketball towards you
michael jordan is slicing honeydew in the other room
the cicadas are screaming
the sidewalks turn to sand
i leave the porch light on
the mat says WE’LL COME HOME
the leaves catch fire
i set the table wrong
the chandelier is on fire and
you’re still here
you haven’t left
the keys press themselves
the dog growls at the windowsill
you take off your socks and
your feet stick to the floor
your green eyes turn gold
the peonies are covered in ants
so we bring them inside
bodily D.I.Y.
the same
just rearranged
i’m changing a tire in the driveway
performing masculinity
for the neighbours to see
embodying possibilities
with my homemade corporeality
referencing judith butler
so i can talk about gender
without plagiarizing myself
am i always going to feel this?
tugging my shirt
as if i will somehow be boy
growing my hair
as if i will somehow be girl
carrying myself
as though
i am
no longer
weighed down
carrying the weight of
my iPhone
i wonder what Apple is trying to tell me
about bodily becoming