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Poet and marketer Terese Kerrigan was born in 1981 in St. Petersburg, Florida. She received her B.A. in creative writing from the University of South Florida. She currently lives with her cat Suitcase Charlie in St. Petersburg and manages a marketing team for a national logistics company.

2 Poems by Terese Kerrigan


Stone-slow bows borrow the port's shore:
Diagonally floating through a second on
my watch's hand, like pawns, lamenting
their next move; escaping the narrow harbor.
One by one, in turn, one by one
they move as if fasting on the water;
they move just miles before dusk.

Morning comes only to send them home,
down through the channels during lonely hours
offshore. Like ghosts above foggy waters, they float
in the night, just before the moon finds sleep.
The sails, cast in mold from their nightly exercise,
blend among the yellow-eyed grass;
blend among the hues of the marsh.

The sailing men, motionless in the night,
puff on wooden pipefuls of today's pay;
guiding shrouds; returning to port's shore.
Cutting through the narrow harbor,
one by one, they enter, one by one
they move to earn their reward;
they move just miles before dawn.



Doris doesn't think at eye level.

She'd make a great architect someday.


Only the important stuff matters to her:
Where is the exit and how am I doing?

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